

Dewapress websites now load faster than ever.
Have a website that's not on Dewapress ?

Find out your PageSpeed score now!

PROTIP Pitch Google PageSpeed to your clients. It's a fantastic selling point!

Why Speed is a Ranking Factor for Google?


More Time On Site

70% Longer Sessions


Lower Bounce Rate

35% Lower Bounce Rate


High Engagement

60% More Pageviews


Competitive Advantage

77% of Website take more than 10 seconds to load on mobile


More Customer Conversions

7% less conversions for every second it takes to load

How are

Dewapress Websites so Fast?

Dewapress is one of the Google Preferred Website Builder that is fully aligned with the search giant's best practices for creating websites with the best possible load times. From now on, every responsive-website ont the Dewapress platform, both new and old, will be optimized for speed.

Accomplishing this goal meant making a lot of improvements and adjustments in the way Dewapress sites are coded, but by far the biggest challenge was removing any render-blocking JavaScript or CSS.

Awesome! Now What?

Every new Dewapress website created on the platform will now adhere to Google's recommended best practices for a great PageSpeed score. If you already have existing sites, you simply need to log in to the editor and republish them. The new speed benefits will automatically be implemented in the code.